Hire Now!

Are you looking to expand your team with exceptional talent? Now is the perfect time to act! As the summer holidays approach, job searches and job changes are at their peak. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to find the ideal candidates who will contribute to your company’s growth and success.

Tech Talent is Crucial for PropTech, but It’s Becoming Challenging to Find in Sweden

Competitive Advantage In a constantly evolving market, securing top tech talent provides a competitive edge to property tech companies. Skilled professionals play a vital role in product development, technological advancements, and the creation of disruptive solutions that cater to customer needs. By attracting and retaining top talent, companies can stay ahead of the curve and outperform their competitors, gaining a significant advantage.

World PassWord Day

World Password Day is an annual event that occurs on the first Thursday of every May to encourage people to adopt strong password habits and protect their online identities. The day was created in 2013 by cybersecurity professionals to increase awareness about the importance of password security.

ISO 27001 Compliance!

Our office in Lisbon has been awarded the ISO/IEC 27001 certification for our information security management system (ISMS). Last year we received the ISO 27001 certification in Malaysia, this year we have also received it in Portugal. This certification is a significant milestone for our organization, and we are proud to have met all the requirements for this internationally recognized standard yet again.

Why INSCALE is the Right Partner for Your Business

In 2023, the International Fintech Summit (IFGS) will bring together a diverse range of industry leaders for two days of thought-provoking discussions. Attendees will include innovators, institutions, regulators, policymakers, startups, and investors, all convening in one place to explore the latest trends and developments in fintech. The summit’s agenda will focus on the global fintech ecosystem, with an increased emphasis on the key areas that are driving growth, promoting sustainability, and ensuring that financial services are accessible to all.

A Guide to Successful Tech Talent Recruitment

Technology is playing a significant role in the world of business today and having a strong team of tech experts is crucial to success. However, finding the right tech talent can be a challenging and competitive process. With the demand for tech experts on the rise, companies are facing an uphill battle to find and hire the best tech talent. Especially considering that the good developers are not looking for work, they are already hired. This article will provide a comprehensive guide to tech talent recruitment and help you find the right tech talent for your company.

World BackUp Day 2023

Today, many may not consider the importance of backup, as cloud solutions have become ubiquitous, and data is automatically saved. However, does this imply that the need for backup is obsolete? In observance of World Backup Day, our marketing executive, Hanna Sjöblom, engaged in a discussion with INSCALES’ Global Head of IT, Jarod Lim to obtain his perspectives and viewpoints on the significance of backup, and how INSCALE strives to guarantee the secure and compliant backup of corporate data.

5 Proven Strategies for Keeping Your Developers Productive and Happy

In today’s fast-paced digital world, software development is a critical component of many organizations. As such, it is essential to keep developers productive and happy to ensure the success of a project and to ensure the retention of your employees. In this article, we share seven proven strategies for keeping developers productive and happy.

ISO 27001 Compliance!

Being an important wheel in the ecosystem of software engineering and wanting to be in the frontline with our clients, INSCALE choose to be audited ISO 27001 on 1 June 2022 as the only international standard that defines the requirements of an information security management system (ISMS).